Batchframe has been released!

Dzeri, 13-09-2024, Programming

The alpha version of my Spring Boot-like Python library has seen the light of day!

Batchframe, Python

Quick Announcement

In preparation for my talk at next month's Vienna Data Enginnering meetup, I've polished Batchframe up enough for it to get its first official release. In the future I hope to make some videos and a series of blogposts that promote it, but let's see how well it's received initially.

This is a project I've been sporadically working on for about a year now, and if I had to explain it in one sentence, I'd say it's like Spring Boot, but for writing small Python scripts. More broadly, it's a framework that takes over the responsibility of many common tasks one encounters when writing one-off python scripts. Things like logging, concurrency, error-handling and so on. As much of our code lives far longer than we intend, my main design goal with this framework was to make it virtually free to use from the get-go, meaning you'd never say "Eh...this script is too small even for Batchframe".

In my opinion I've done some clever things with Python in this project so don't be shy to dive into the source code. It is available on GitLab right now!